A Portrait of Amalia Ruscone

A Passion for Side-Saddle

Full of grace and with very fine aids, Amalia Ruscone rides her mare through the arena and shows the most difficult dressage lessons. Everyone can see that the young Italian trains her horses with great sensitivity and patience.

Full of grace and with very fine aids, Amalia Ruscone rides her mare through the arena and shows the most difficult dressage lessons. Everyone can see that the young Italian trains her horses with great sensitivity and patience. Amalia discovered her passion for horses and riding side saddle at a young age. Since then it has been her greatest dream to show the beauty of this riding style, which has been declining in popularity over the past few decades, to her audiences. At CAVALLUNA she uses the opportunity to showcase her passion for this special discipline.

Horses Are like a Second Family

With unbelievable ease and elegance, Amalia shows the most difficult dressage lessons - the young Italian trains her horses with great sensitivity and patience.

In order to maintain and keep alive the extraordinary discipline of side-saddle riding, which is not very common nowadays, she even founded an organisation called AIMA (associazione italiana monta all' amazzone) with three like-minded people.

Originally, this riding style was invented for elegant ladies, so they could wear long dresses while sitting on the horse. It is much more difficult than riding the modern way, since the rider has much less control over the horse with only being able to use one leg. The other leg is usually replaced by a whip - not to hurt the horse of course, only to guide it in the right direction.

Woman in the side saddle, horse performing the Spanish walk
Upcoming Show
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October 2023 - June 2024

CAVALLUNA - Land of a Thousand Dreams

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The Summer Show Munich
August 27 - September 08, 2024

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Experience our new summer show "Sommercamp total verrückt!" at SHOWPALAST Munich. Find out more now.

Upcoming Show
From October 2024

CAVALLUNA - Grand Moments

The upcoming show starts in October 2024! New shows go on sale every week. Learn more now.